Challenge Name | Challenge link | Type |
Lazaretto ✔ | Download | Forensics |
Hotel ✔ | Download | Forensics |
Subscription | Download | Forensics |
Geology | docker pull cyctf/geology | Forensics |
imPOSTer ✔ | Download | Forensics |
Mach ✔ | Download | Mobile |
Challege Description
we were provided with an ad1 file using FTKimager we were able to open it and it had only windows event logs
So i just dumped the files and using the famous ericzimmerman tool EvtxECmd i was able to pares the full events into a csv file using this command
.\EvtxECmd.exe -d .\Logs\ --csv out
from the csv it was an easy analysis by just filtring the level of the event and the events that has an executables it was only one event so it was easy
now we have all the data we needed to but in the flag format
first part was the signutre id which was in payloadData1 Ransom:Win32/Blocker
secound part was the file name which was in the ExecutableInfo makepcfaster.exe
and last the delivery ip which was in the same place as the seconed part
putting it into the flag format and that was it we have the flag
Challenge description
this was supposed to be a warm up challenge as it said in the description but it didn’t have any solves before the hints ware realease
once the hint 1 realease i knew for sure that it’s in the MFT
so i started doing my Dump thig with strings to get the flag
while greping CyCTF
it has nothing so i knew that it must be encoded so I did something more idiotice i encoded the CyCTF{ part
using CyberChef
and now just by using the magic of strings i grep this part Q3lDVEZ7
and got the flag
strings \$MFT |grep Q3lDVEZ7
using CyberChef i decodced the base and got the flag
Challege Description
This challenge was the one that i enjoyed the most in the CTF
we were provided by a ZIP file of an system files so i un zipped the file and start checking
i went to User 74mo
Document and found an outlook data folder so i checked it which has pst file
so using OST-viewer i opend the pst file
it had some mails from 74mo to some developer about website then 74mo asked for his database to be encrypted
the developer sent him the way he did the encryption and the dummy key and that was our starting point
the challenge name ha POST in it and the email confirm it was a site dev thing so i went to app data to find what was installed
so i found in the Roaming folde Postman installed and has some data so i needed to open the database saved from post man or the requests to find the website so i installed Postman and tryed to load the db to it but i couldn’t so i used an idea to copy all the files of the POST man to mine but alsio didn’t work
by ferther invastigating and searching i knew it’s posible to do that but i have to get the post man right version
so i kept checking to find in the main log file it had the version which was 7.0.6
so I searched for it till i downloaded it from postman site now i have the right post man coping the IndexedDB folder to my postman folder i was able to get the requests sent by the user
it had post requests for some secret keys when i first looked i knew for sure that one of them is the flag
so i needed to decrypt it
but i need a key while checking more in the requests i found a request to get the key and it had the file name and it’s size
the size info was very important for me to get the key
so i knew the file name and size but it’s not apperes on any part of the desk image
but as we noticed how very tiny is this file so i checked it on the MFT
I didn’t need to use anytools just open it on hexEditor and search for the keyFile.txt
so we got the key LuIT&HjIFwZQGsDW
back to the mail files we knew that the encryption was AES with CPC mode
also we know that the IV was the reverse of the key and know we have every thing to get the flag
i deceded to try the secret1337 first as its the one the seems to be the flag
"secret1337": "6d7e4022adb41576dbe67f234dbec2f5fef1859256647c9bfb601feeb2c092cdd1e58d8253d13577bdea701fdbddd07c"
using cyperchef to decrypt the AES we got the flag
Challege Description
I didn’t solve this one during the CTF but I solved it after
using dive over the image i as we are checking there was modification over the access.log is happend in this layer
so i just downloaded the image layers and checked for the access.log of the apache server
docker save cyctf/geology > geology.tar
by untaring the file and going to the 31badd250be9ebc7cef96087907d2174a95445289d8593e568adb89a4a36e474
folder we got the complete access log
so i just extracted it
using any text viewer i went through the log to find there was a base64 Q3lDVEZ7TDRZZXI1XzRuRF9sNHllcjVfMGZfQzBOdDQxbmVSMn0K
in the logs
by decodeing it we have the flag
Challege Description
for this one i didn’t knew any thing about mobile but i knew my strings so i just
unzipped the ipa file using 7zip then did strings on the binary re
strings re
found hex data
when decoded it gives the flag